2.2.7 Habe keine Angst, dumm dazustehen
Alles ist anfangs unangenehm
When you first do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can's imagine how you could ever feel comfortable doing that thing. But you just have to learn to overcome this kind of thinking and realize that almost everyone goes through the same kind of uncomfortable feelings when they first do anything challenging - especially in front of a group of people
Es ist in Ordnung, wie ein Idiot zu erscheinen.
Things will get easier over time. And when things go wrong while presenting you should just don't care. And after it's over, chances are no one will even remember it. If you want to succeed, you have to learn how to swallow your pride and get out there and not be afraid to make a fool of yourself
Mache kleine Schritte (oder springe ins kalte Wasser).
Just diving in is the most effective way. But if you're nervous about doing speaking, writing, or something else, try to think of the smallest thing you can do that doesn't make you quite as nervous. Start with commenting and contribute to conversations but be prepared for criticism. Once you feel a bit braver, write your own blog posts like "how-tos". From there expand further by writing a guest post for someone else's blog or you can be interviewed on a podcast. And you might even join a club like Toastmasters to help you get used to speaking in public.